We want him to run. He’s evil incarnate and the perfect one to bring out the Democratic voters.

Real Republicans will stay home Election Day.

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Like they did in 2016?

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No. Like 2020! Is there a bigger Republican loser?

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Uh oh. If Trump is replaced with a smarter monster then democrats will be at war with their own country. As if we aren’t already in a war with Russia and Iran. But Trump is dying, literally, and figuratively. He needs to go down with the ship, but he’s just a Russian Puppet…

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I hear that the late great Hannibal Lechter is thinking of throwing his hat into the ring. Trump says that that would be unfair since Lechter is dead and, thus, cannot be assassinated.

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Great laugh out loud experience !!!!!

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Chef’s kiss. 😂

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Yup… the perfect gesture to the perfect dish… revenge, served cold (while laughing)

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Had to get the laughing in there, of course when Kamala’s justice department quits pulling punches and dresses him in a jumpsuit and takes away his makeup and hair care products… would that be the punch line?

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Yes - and a great image 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Peter Thiel doesn’t believe in freedom and democracy? I hope he believes in disemboweling because the second I get a chance to lay my hands on him…

Who the fuck is Peter Thiel and why does anyone give a good goddamn what he “believes” in. I’ll tell you what Peter Thiel is: an ugly older homo who can’t get laid or have a normal relationship with another human being because all his money keeps getting in the way, so since he isn’t “free” he doesn’t believe anyone else should be either. And as for democracy: hey Peter, get your head out of your ass - gay people do sooo well under authoritarian regimes. What a dumb Can’t Understand Normal Thinking, this idiot is. Maybe he knows all about how to make AI weaponry to kill innocent people, but he gets an F in being a decent human being.

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Interesting that Vance thinks Henry Wallace was the worst VP. Maybe because he formed the Progressive Party and tried to prevent the Cold War via diplomacy. He also, as Sec of Ag, promoted the Green Revolution and started the company that became Monsanto - which in hindsight might be problematic. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_A._Wallace

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Wallace was the leftiest VP I could think of.

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In 99 days no one will give a good goddamn about whatever JD Vance thinks. He’s a twisted, evil, dopey cartoon villain who’s 15 minutes of fame are over.

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Who keeps the campaign chest? Is Laura of the RNC Miss Pursestrings? Did it all go straight through to he who shall not be named? What's the balance sheet looking like?

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Broke and yes she controls the cash to trumps legal

Troubles. Nothing for down ballot nothing for states.

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In all honesty, he uh, hummm.. Ah yes, I almost forgot—he praises the Lord for he being ‘saved’ from an assassination!! Personally, I hope that Mephistopheles collects him as soon as devilishly possible! Any day now, folks, any day now…

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I hope it's Beelzebub.

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Heaven is barred to him, and Hell doesn’t want his dopey ass. We’re stuck with him till management works something out.

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I gotta tell ya, the idea of Vance taking over the top spot? Here’s the thing. Even when Trump acts the fool, his audience laughs with him, not at him.

Vance at the top of the ticket? Whoa, scary. He’s got Thiel behind him and they both are dead serious and far more dangerous than Trump because they’re not as scatterbrained as he is. They’re dead serious. Thiel says he no longer believes that freedom and democracy can coexist. Geez, what’s the guy want? Gay lib made him free. But he really hates women.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ya think?

Not to mention delusional, evil, and corrupt.

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Republicans don’t believe in your “new math”. TFG is immortal and that’s that. 78 is the new…awe screw it, he’s old.

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I might enjoy seeing how the cult members react to a real candidate. Doesn't matter. In the immortal words of Hulk Hogan: Repugnicans are "goin' down!"

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Who's old and feeble now, Arsehole!

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He’ll die before he agrees to that.

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Seems the shoe is on a different set of feet now. Trump being touted as too old!!!

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From your mouth to God’s ears. Go with Nikki.

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