I enjoy the pocket so much I still have a few protectors around for those cheap, leaky pens I steal from restaurants and hotels. No flaps. No buttons. Free the Pocket!

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Shirt pockets are vital, but pants pockets, in a pinch, can hold pens and business cards.

T-shirts with pockets are a somewhat-useless oddity.

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I’m a shirt pocket fan for sure.,

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I must say that I never saw the point of shirt pockets, but what did I know. I like shirt collars with buttons. Fifty years ago (my god, I'm old), I remember vests were mandatory. How I hated them!

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Two breast pockets are mandatory in my wardrobe.

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My hubby agrees. He'll pay extra just to have a shirt pocket.

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Those were the days. What I noticed, too, is that nobody carries pens anymore. They write on these little things with their thumbs. If they write anything at all.

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I would go ga ga over a man with a shirt pocket. Without it, where would the sliderule go?

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