My mother’s name was Nancy, and my father said “Jesus H Christ, Nancy!” so often that the phrase became a family joke/expletive. Nice to see it coming out of Joe’s mouth. Anyway, this is brilliant, and I believe you have captured exactly what Joe is thinking, and I completely agree with him!

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its not over till the fat lady sings in November.

Nice blog!!

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And then he looked out of his Covid room in the Delaware mansion and yelled at those kids to “ get off my lawn”. There’s lots of spunk still in that Biden brain. Run, Joe, Run!

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This is unbelievable. Leave it to Grossberger to get inside Biden's brain. While you're in there Lew, knock some sense in him!

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Thanks, that was fun. Joe is gonna kick Grabito Pussolini’s butt!

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Great writing , thoroughly enjoyed on this Sun AM

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I saw this insanity earlier today and thought it was worth sharing.

A third doomsday cult, led by a beanie-adorned preacher in the United Kingdom, sells a very different message. Zaaimi describes the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light as “a syncretic (combined) faith mixing psychedelic consumption, New Age beliefs, soul reincarnation, ancient Egyptian gods, and space aliens”.

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My kind of people!

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Sounds a lot like scientology.

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