Dear Mr. Ethical Guy,

Should I Be Concerned if a Certain Orange Guy and His Pill Popping Dr. Go On National TV and say a Bullet Shot from a Very Powerful AR-# took Off the Top Part of the Orange Guys Right Ear and then 2Weeks Later Appear In Public with the Entire Ear Intact w/ No telltale signs of Injury? IS IT REALLY A MIRACLE? DID GOD REALLY HEAL HIM? Or is it just Politics As Usual? I’m currently Conflicted.

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Lew -- Your reach as influencer proven again. Just saw on web that Impossible Foods soon to introduce plant-based Weka fingers. Congrats.

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Another one! SNL should pick you up! Or maybe that's not such a good idea. You and Lorne Michaels would not see eye to eye, as they used to say, back when murder was still frowned upon.

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Great new feature. I’m already a better person: 1. Still never going to watch survivor and 2. Cancelling my couples Caribbean cruise. Thanks Mr. Ethical Guy!

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Omg “Dear Murderess” - just looked up and read Lucian’s comment and well that x 10000000. SNL would be lucky to have you - but do they even deserve it nowadays???? Don’t know but love this.

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